Sexual Harassment Policy

A basic element of the business strategy of Hernan is to develop a global culture in which men and women of all backgrounds and nationalities can build on the strengths of diversity while they work together as a team for the success of Hernan. Respect for each individual is an essential part of this process. Sexual harassment is contrary to Hernan values and against everything we are working for. It will not be tolerated.

Sexual harassment can include such things as:

  • unwelcome sexual advances or propositions;
  • any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with another person's ability to work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment;
  • personnel decisions such as hiring, promotion, compensation and continued employment, which are based on an employee's acceptance or rejection of sexual advances;
  • Inappropriate attempts at sexual humor.

Anyone believing in good faith that she or he has been subjected to sexual harassment by anyone in Hernan, or anyone with whom Hernan does business, should immediately contact her or his supervisor, Human Resource Manager, or any other Hernan manager. Complaints and questions regarding possible sexual harassment will be treated in a confidential manner, and all complaints will be investigated. There will be no retaliation for making complaints or asking questions under this policy, or for responding to questions during any investigation of these matters.

All Hernan business units are responsible for the establishment and communication of effective policies and procedures consistent with this basic principle.

Any violation of this Policy may subject the employee to disciplinary action.