In accordance with HERNAN Policy on Labour, Human Rights and Workplace, we are committed to provide equal opportunities in employment and freedom of association for all workers.
- All workers will receive equal treatment such as wages, promotions, rewards access to training based on their relevant merits and competency regardless of gender, race, marital status, nationality, religion, age, physical condition, sexual orientation, worker committee / membership / affiliation / activity, employment status or political affiliation. Any form of discrimination based on factors aforementioned is prohibited, and any association membership/activity will not lead to disciplinary measures or punitive actions.
- HERNAN respect the right of all workers in freedom of association and collective bargaining as part of our commitment to support the fair and equitable treatment of our workers. HERNAN will not refuse any genuine opportunity to collectively bargain with workers who intend to do.
- Suppliers should establish channels for communication between the company and its workers or their representative and should hold regular engagement sessions. Workers and / or their representatives shall be able to openly communicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
- The workers, without distinction, have the right to join or form worker committee of their own choosing without prior authorization, and to bargain collectively. HERNAN will refrain from any activity that is likely to discourage workers from exercising their rights.
- Worker committee has access to the HERNAN premise, and HERNAN will not interfere with the organizing of activities of workers, worker representatives. Worker’s representatives are not discriminated against and have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.
- The purpose of these policies is to ensure that workers of HERNAN are recruited and provided an environment which is free from unlawful discrimination, harass mentor victimization and that we are implementing the Group’s commitment to equal opportunities, freedom of association and collective bargaining at all times.
- The workers can submit their grievances through the Ethics and Compliance Committee (''ECC''). They can also submit their grievances and remain anonymous via alternative channels provided (email, telecommunication, messages). The workers will not have any form of retaliation action taken against them as all grievances submitted will remain confidential.
- The management, supervisors and individuals of HERNAN, professionally involved in recruitment and administration activities, undertakes the responsibility for implementing these Equal Opportunity Employment and Freedom of Association Policies.